
编辑整理:上海自考网     发布时间:2020-02-13    阅读量:







  1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。

  2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。


  Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question, Blacken the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points,1 point for each)

  1.The official name of the U.K. is ______.

  A. England

  B.Great Britain

  C.the British Isles

  D.the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  2. ______ was the Roman general who invaded Britain for the first time in 55 BC.

  A. Claudius B. Agricola

  C. Augustus D. Julius Caesar

  3.Among the following groups of people, the ______ came to Britain first.

  A. Jutes B. Angles

  C.Saxons D. Normans

  4. The English people got their name from the Angles who came from ______.

  A. France B. Norway

  C. Denmark D. Germany

  5. According to the feudal system in England, ______ owned all the land personally.

  A. the king B. the serfs

  C. the knights and freemen D. the barons

  6. The Magna Carta was a statement of the feudal and legal relationship between ______ .

  A. the crown and the barons

  B. the king and the parliament

  C. the aristocrats and the middle class

  D. the monarch and the working people

  7. ______ in the 14th century was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas.

  A. Bird Flu B. Black Death

  C. Yellow Fever D. Scarlet Fever

  8. The English Civil War in the 17th century is also called the ______.

  A. Puritan Revolution B. English Reformation

  C. English Renaissance D. Industrial Revolution

  9. The Wars of the Roses were fought between ______ .

  A. the House of Lancaster and the House of York

  B. the House of Lancaster and the House of Kent

  C. the House of Winchester and the House of York

  D. the House of Winchester and the House of Commons

  10. ______ was generally regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.

  A. Ben jonson B. Edmund Spencer

  C. William Shakespeare D. Christopher Marlowe







  1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。

  2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。


  Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B,C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question, Blacken the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (50 points,1 point for each)

  1.The official name of the U.K. is ______.

  A. England

  B.Great Britain

  C.the British Isles

  D.the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  2. ______ was the Roman general who invaded Britain for the first time in 55 BC.

  A. Claudius B. Agricola

  C. Augustus D. Julius Caesar

  3.Among the following groups of people, the ______ came to Britain first.

  A. Jutes B. Angles

  C.Saxons D. Normans

  4. The English people got their name from the Angles who came from ______.

  A. France B. Norway

  C. Denmark D. Germany

  5. According to the feudal system in England, ______ owned all the land personally.

  A. the king B. the serfs

  C. the knights and freemen D. the barons

  6. The Magna Carta was a statement of the feudal and legal relationship between ______ .

  A. the crown and the barons

  B. the king and the parliament

  C. the aristocrats and the middle class

  D. the monarch and the working people

  7. ______ in the 14th century was the modern name given to the deadly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread by rat fleas.

  A. Bird Flu B. Black Death

  C. Yellow Fever D. Scarlet Fever

  8. The English Civil War in the 17th century is also called the ______.

  A. Puritan Revolution B. English Reformation

  C. English Renaissance D. Industrial Revolution

  9. The Wars of the Roses were fought between ______ .

  A. the House of Lancaster and the House of York

  B. the House of Lancaster and the House of Kent

  C. the House of Winchester and the House of York

  D. the House of Winchester and the House of Commons

  10. ______ was generally regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.

  A. Ben jonson B. Edmund Spencer

  C. William Shakespeare D. Christopher Marlowe

 21. Supported by the ______ queen, Christopher Columbus discovered the New World in the late 15th century.

  A. Spanish B. Danish

  C. Portuguese D. Norwegian

  22. According to the textbook, there are ______ big cities with a population over two million in the U.S.

  A. 5 B. 1 5

  C. 21 D. 30

  23. The first ______ were brought to North America as slaves in 1619.

  A. Blacks B. Hispanics

  C. Indians D. Mexicans

  24. In September, ______, the Treaty of Paris was signed and Britain recognized the independence of the United States.

  A. 1776 B. 1781

  C. 1783 D. 1785

  25. Black slavery disappeared in the north because of the following EXCEPT that ______.

  A. the price of slaves was high

  B. the North disliked black slaves

  C. the North turned towards industry

  D. the Africans could not stand cold winters in the North

  26. ______ was NOT a feature in the growth of the American economy in the early 20th century.

  A. A mushroom growth of cities

  B. A slow development of steel industry

  C. A rapid development of new technology

  D. A growth of industrial and financial mergers

  27. The ______ in the U.S. has been described by many historians as a period of material success, spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness.

  A. 1890s B. 1920s

  C. 1930s D. 1950s

  28. American policy towards the Soviet Union in the Second World War was centered on the following considerations EXCEPT ______.

  A. keeping the Soviet Union in the war

  B.being watchful about Soviet expansive intention

  C. getting the Soviet Union into the war against Japan

  D. working out a strategy of alliance with the Soviet Union

  29. The most important issue in ______ diplomacy after Pearl Harbor was the formulation of a grand strategy of Europe first.

  A. Soviet-American B. Franco-American

  C. Sino-American D. Anglo-American

  30. The idea of containment towards the Soviet Union was first brought up by ______ , a high-ranking official in the American embassy to Moscow.

  A. Harry Truman B. George Kennan

  C. George Marshall D. Franklin D. Roosevelt

  31. Senator McCarthy was called a big liar in ______ in the U.S.

  A. the Korean War B. the Civil Rights Movement

  C. the Vietnam War D. the anti-Communist hysteria

  32. The fast growth of American economy can be attributable to geographical location, ______.

  A. rich mineral resources, immigration and good quality of labor forces

  B. military industries, enough labor supply and good quality of labor forces

  C. rich mineral resources, enough labor supply and good quality of labor forces

  D. rich mineral resources, enough labor supply and good quality of education

  33. In the U.S., the ______ are government-run at the federal, state or/and local levels.

  A. ship-building, car-making and national defense

  B. postal service, car-making and national defense

  C. road system, ship-building and national defense

  D. road system, postal service and national defense

  34. In 1787,55 delegates from all the states met at ______ to revise the Articles of Confederation.

  A. Chicago B. New York

  C. Philadelphia D. Washington D.C.

  35. According to the text, despite its evident weakness the Articles of Confederation had done one important thing: ______.

  A. they formed a new nation

  B. they set up a new government

  C. they empowered Congress to tax

  D. they provided for a national court system

  36. The U.S. Constitution requires the ______ to be a natural-born American citizen at least 35 years of age.

  A. President B. Vice-president

  C. House Speaker D. House Majority leader

  37. The highest duty of the U.S. President is ______.

  A. the amendment of bills

  B. the execution of the law

  C. the management of economy

  D. the regulation of trade disputes

  38. The three principal functions of higher education in the U.S. are ______.

  A. teaching, research and publication

  B. teaching, research and public service

  C. teaching, research and voluntary service

  D. teaching, research and vocational training

  39. The song “Should old acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne” is usually sung on the eve of ______.

  A. Thanksgiving Day B. Independence Day

  C. Christmas D. New Year’s Day

  40. It is commonly believed that death was one of the great themes of ______ poetry.

  A. T. S. Eliot’s B. Emily Dickinson’s

  C. Walt Whitman’s D. Langston Hughes’s

  41. Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, is in the province of ______.

  A. Alberta B. Quebec

  C. Ontario D. Atlantic

  42. While he failed to find the passage to Asia, ______ opened the interior of Canada to French fur trades and later colonizers.

  A. John Cabot B. Henry Hudson

  C. Jacques Cartier D. Samuel de Champlain

  43. In 1971, the Canadian government adopted a policy of multiculturalism and encouraged its immigrants to maintain their particular ______ heritages since then.

  A. cultural B. political

  C. industrial D. agricultural

  44. Ireland is one of the most ______ countries in Europe.

  A. Puritan B. Muslin

  C. Catholic D. Christian

  45. The ______ of Ireland is described as “mild, moist and changeable” since extreme cold, long frosts, heavy snows in winter and scorching days in summer are uncommon.

  A. valleys B. lowlands

  C. weather D. temperature

  46. Lake Eyre is regarded as Australia’s largest lake, but most of the time ______.

  A. it has no water at all

  B. it has very little water

  C. only half of the lake has water

  D. only parts of the lake have water

  47. In Australia, the main reason that so many people prefer to live in a coastal city or town is a(n) ______ one.

  A. cultural B. political

  C. economic D. environmental

  48. “School of the Air” refers to ______ in Australia.

  A. schools which train pilots

  B. schools where people can learn how to fly

  C. a school system where children go to school by air

  D. a radio educational system through which children learn their lessons

  49. In New Zealand, over three-fourths of the land is more than 200 meters above sea level, and much of it is ______.

  A. wet B. hilly

  C. sandy D. boggy

  50. New Zealand often has earthquakes because ______.

  A. the length of the country is too long from east to west

  B. there is a fault line which runs the length of the country

  C. the length of the country is too long from south to north

  D. the country is geographically divided into too many parts





  Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (30 points, 3 points for each)

  51. Who was the “Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England”?

  52. When did the name of Great Britain come into being?

  53. Who became the first woman prime minister in Britain in 1979?

  54. What do BA, MA, and PhD stand for respectively in the British higher learning system?

  55. What was the name of the ship that carried 201 pilgrims to the New World in 1620?

  56. What is the main characteristic of American economic system?

  57. According to the text, what is agreed to be the completion of the foundation of the American constitutional system?

  58. What was the movement that took place at the turn of the 20th century demanding government regulation of the economy and social conditions in the U.S.?

  59. In Australia, people can use radio to call doctors who will come y plane. What are those doctors called?

  60. When did Canada become a partner nation with Britain?


  Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the answer sheet in around 40 words. (20 points, 5 points for each)

  61. Bill of Rights (1689)

  62. Industrial Revolution

  63. The U.S. system of checks and balances

  64. Franklin D. Roosevelt

本文标签:上海自考 英语国家概况 全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试英语国家概况试题











