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编辑整理:上海自考网     发布时间:2019-07-27    阅读量:


1. I wanted some more coffee but there was ___________ left.

A. no B. nothing

C. none D. neither

2. He died still ___________.

A. in the forties B. in the forty

C. in forty years D. in fortieth

3. These apples look ___________.

A. nicely B. nice

C. well D. sweetly

4. As long as you ___________ the money promptly, I’ll lend it to you with pleasure.

A. return B. will return

C. have returned D. returned

5. Weather ___________, we’ll go sightseeing.

A. permitted B. is permitted

C. permitting D. is permitting

6. “Must I come at four o’clock?” “Oh no, you ___________ come at four.”

A. can’t B. may not

C. needn’t D. mustn’t

7. It is important that one of the brakes on your bicycle ___________ properly.

A. will work B. has worked

C. works D. work

8. She never tells a lie, ___________?

A. does she B. doesn’t she

C. did she D. didn’t she

9. This is the hour ___________ the place is always full of women and children.

A. that B. when

C. where D. how

10. Many a ship ___________ on those rocks.

A. has wrecked B. were wrecked

C. has been wrecked D. had been wrecked

11. She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely ___________ her.

A. translated B. transformed

C. transferred D. transported

12. He seems very much ___________ to the proposal to build a hall.

A. opposed B. competed

C. contrasted D. resisted

13. What he has done fully ___________ our views that he would win the reward.

A. justified B. simplified

C. declared D. adjusted

14. Critics ___________ the writer with a lack of originality.

A. criticized B. charged

C. condemned D. scolded

15. Do you have any idea how to ___________ the sales of this product?

A. advance B. promote

C. raise D. urge

16. The plane is ___________ to take off at 4.

A. enlisted B. enrolled

C. prompted D. scheduled

17. A line of forts was built along the border to ___________ the country against attack.

A. protect B. cover

C. ensure D. harbor

18. When he moved to Canada, the children ___________ to the change very well.

A. adapted B. adopted

C. varied D. modified

19. The idea never ___________ to me.

A. happened B. passed

C. tortured D. occurred

20. The prisoner was ___________ to death.

A. doomed B. thought

   C. regarded D. proposed

二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10) 从选择项中选择一个最适合短文的选项,错选、多选或未选均无分。

As the plane circled over the airport, everyone felt that something was 21 . The plane was moving unsteadily in the air. At that moment, the air-hostess 22 . She looked very pale, but was quite calm. Speaking quickly but 23 in a whisper, she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if 24 of the passengers knew anything about machines or at least how to drive a car. 25 a moment’s hesitation, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s cabin.

Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the instruction that 26 by radio from the airport below. The plane was now dangerously 27 the ground, but to everyone’s joy, it soon began to climb. The man had to 28 the airport several times in order to become familiar with the controls. But the danger had not yet passed. The terrible moment came when he had to land. 29 instructions, the man guided the plane towards the airfield. It shook violently as it touched the ground and then moved rapidly across the field, but after a long run it stopped 30 . Outside a crowd of people who had been watching anxiously rushed forward to congratulate the “pilot” on a perfect landing.

21. A. happened B. mattered C. taken place D. wrong

22. A. showed B. left C. shouted D. appeared

23. A. hardly B. nearly C. most D. almost


本文标签:上海自考 经济类 2019年自考《电子商务英语》试卷










