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编辑整理:上海自考网     发布时间:2018-05-24    阅读量:
Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets.
1. That definition leaves ______ for disagreement. ( )
A. much room
B. a small room
C. many rooms
D. a big room
2. My train is going to arrive at Shanghai at about eight o’clock tonight. The plane I’d like to take from there ______ by then. ( )
A. would leave
B. will have left
C. has left
D. had left
3. The young man who has applied for the post ______ in the general manager’s office.( )
A. is interviewing
B. is being interviewed
C. to be interviewed
D. had been interviewed
4. It is essential that all the exam papers ______ back before the end of the term. ( )
A. must be sent
B. are sent
C. will be sent
D. be sent
5. ______ for my illness, I would have got the job in the Disneyland. ( )
A. Not being
B. Without being
C. Had it not been
D. Not having been
6. The car ahead of me suddenly stopped by the roadside. I think it ______ out of gas.( )
A. may run
B. may have run
C. must run
D. should have run
7. The teacher won’t mind ______ the term paper. ( )
A. us to delay handing in
B. our delaying handing in
C. our delaying to hand in
D. us delay to hand in
8. All the tasks ______ ahead of time, they decided to have a dinner party to celebrate.( )
A. have been finished
B. had been finished
C. having been finished
D. were finished.
9. What he has done is ______ what I have done. ( )
A. superior to
B. more superior to
C. superior than
D. more superior than
10. Mary earns ______ as Jane does, but she spends less money on cosmetics than Jane.( )
A. twice so much
B. twice as much
C. as much twice
D. so much twice
11. We’ 11 discuss a ______ issue before we move on to the problem of our major concern. ( )
A. less
B. more
C. lesser
D. most
12. He was very disappointed ______ the salary the company offered him. ( )
A. with
B. to
C. for
D. on
13. The course usually attracts 30 students each term, ______ about two-thirds are girls.( )
A. among whom
B. for whom
C. among them
D. for them
14. I have never seen a TV program ______ the man cannot find a parking space at the very first try.( )
A. where
B. which
C. when
D. there
15. Everyone believes that the day will come ______ people all over the world live a rich and happy life. ( )
A. when
B. where
C. which
D. why
16. The novelist and poet ______ best writer of the year. ( )
A. have been awarded
B. have awarded
C. has awarded
D. has been awarded
17. Ten minutes ______ an hour when I’m depressed. ( )
A. seems
B. seem
C. seemed
D. is seeming
18. ______ Paul brings the money for our lunch, we’ll go right to the cafeteria. ( )
A. As far as
B. As soon as
C. As good as
D. As much as
19. The captain, together with the crew, ______ determined not to abandon the ship until all the passengers were aboard the lifeboats. ( )
A. is
B. are
C. were
D. was
20. I saw ______ girls at the cinema. ( )
A. the both
B. many a
C. both the
D. a many
二、填空题 (本大题共 28小题,共36分 )
Section A: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words given in the group.
21. isn’t, hasn’t been, haven’t been, is, are, was
The present government, which ______ in power long, ______ trying to control inflation. It isn’t having much success.
22. a, a, the, the, some, such
Getting ______ unions and ______ bosses to agree isn’t easy.
23. is now believing, is now believed, has now believed, taught, teaching, being taught
It ______ that foreign languages are most easily ______ to young children.
24. am, were, has been, will be, shall be, should be
I ______ anxious that nobody ______ hurt.
25. if once, until, releases, releasing, released
______ ______ from prison, he is likely to engage himself in the same business and commit the same crime.
26. which, what, when, seen, I’ve ever seen, which I’ve ever seen
It’s the only building ______ ______ is made entirely of glass.
27. believed, was believed, were believed, are, was, were
What ______ to be aliens from outer space ______ actually several sheep going astray.
28. both, either, neither, whatever, whichever, however
You can keep one of the photos, ______ of them— ______ you like.
Section B: Fill in the blanks with the words given


本文标签:上海自考 公共课 全国2010年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题










