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  Choose the best answer to each question.

  Example:(D) Graham Greene is a(n)

  A、Southern writer

  B、black writer

  C、Jewish writer

  D、English writer

  (  )1、“The Egg” is a story mainly about

     A、grotesque chickens
     B、the narrator's unhappy childhood on the chicken farm
     C、an innocent poor man frustrated by American passion for success
     D、the narrator's parents' ambition

  (  )2、In "Dry September”, Will Mayes was killed because he was supposed to have

     A、robbed Minnie Cooper
     B、raped Minnie Cooper
     C、watched Minnie Cooper undress
     D、frightened Minnie Cooper

   (  )3、In "The Enormous Radio”, Irene, at her friend's dinner party, interrupted her hostess and stared at the people across the table, which shows that she

     A、was a rude lady
     B、did not like those people
     C、wanted to arouse people's attention
     D、looked down upon them

  (  )4、From the story “Sonny's Blues” we know Sonny was all of the following except

     A、a trouble maker
     B、a lover of music
     C、an unhappy youngster
     D、a youngster with thoughts of his own

  (  )5、In “The Lion's Skin”, Mr.Forestier decided to marry Mrs.Forestier because

     A、Mrs.Forestier was a nice lady
     B、he loved her very much
     C、she was rich
     D、she was very kind to him

  (  )6、Of the four writers, which one is good at using cartoon device?

     C、Virginia Woolf
     D、Evelyn Waugh

  (  )7、In “Mr.Andrews”, the author describes those gods in Heaven in a tone of


  (  )8、We know from the story “An Old Woman and Her Cat "that Hetty died of

     C、cold and malnutrition

  (  )9、Which of the following statements concerning Nelson's mother in “The Artificial Nigger” is not correct?

     A、She was the only daughter of Mr.Head.
     B、She ran away from home after Mrs.Head died.
     C、She died when Nelson was one year old.
     D、She died of pneumonia.

  (  )10、From “Across the Bridge” we soon learn that Mr.Calloway was in Mexico because he

     A、could not contact his banker in London.
     B、was a wanted criminal in England.
     C、was waiting for an American visa.
     D、was a man without a country.

  (  )11、In “The Monkey's Paw”, the old fakir placed a spell on the monkey's paw because he wished to

     A、put a curse on all its future owners.
     B、warn people against interfering with fate.
     C、demonstrate his great magical powers.
     D、revenge himself on India's British conquerors.

  (  )12、In the story “A Worn Path” which of the following does not appear to give Phoenix trouble on her way to Natchez?

     A、The winter cold
     B、Stiff, fragile muscles
     C、The rough path

  (  )13、The story “In Another Country” takes place in

     A、southern France

  (  )14、In “The Fly in the Ointment”, Harold asked his taxi to stop outside one of the underground stations but not right before his father's factory because

     A、he knew that his father didn't like him to take a taxi.
     B、he hated to let his father think that he had some money on hand.
     C、his father would blame him for not being thrifty.
     D、he didn't have enough money.

  (  )15、The opening scene of “The Fly” shows Mr.Woodifield

     A、in a cemetery in France.
     B、visiting his former office.
     C、at home with his family.
     D、reading the Financial Times.

  (  )16、We can guess from the story “Bella Fleace Gave a Party” that Bella Fleace came from

     A、an aristocratic family.
     B、a corrupt family.
     C、a slave-owner's family.
     D、a Negro family.

  (  )17、Form the story “ A Bit of Singing and Dancing” we know after her mother's death Esme felt

     A、very sad.
     B、at a loss.
     C、greatly relieved.
     D、greatly relieved yet not used to the situation.

  (  )18、In “The Schartz-Metterklume Method”, Lady Carlotta told rumours about Canon Teep because

     A、it amused her to contradict her new employers.
     B、she knew this churchman and could tell the truth about him.
      C、she enjoyed defaming the characters of strangers.
     D、he had proved to be a rude old man.

  (  )19、The narrator in “The Lucid Eye in Silver Town” is

     A、Uncle Quincy.
     B、Jay's mother.
     C、Jay's father.
     D、Jay August.

  (  )20、“The First Seven Years” can best be identified as a

     A、story of the inner world of a refugee.
     B、study of father and daughter relationships.
     C、rather unusual love story.
     D、socialogical document about blue collar workers.


  True or False. Write T for true and F for false.

  Example:(F) Alan Sillitoe is an American writer.

  (  )1、In “The Rocking-Horse Winner”, the children knew that their mother did not love them.

  (  )2、In the story “Holiday”, the father was a strong leader in the affairs of the family.

  (  )3、In the story “In Another Country”, when the doctor asked him about sports, the narrator replied, “I was a swimmer before the war.”

  (  )4、In “The Fishing-Boat Picture”, Harry married Kathy as soon as he got a job as a postman.

  (  )5、In “The Lucid Eye in Silver Town”, the father, on impulse went to New York with only twenty-five dollars in his pocket.

  (  )6、Feld wanted his daughter Miriam to marry Max because Max was studying at college and would be a lawyer.

  (  )7、“Another April” is told from the point of view of the mother.

  (  )8、In “Araby”, when the boy finally arrived at the Araby, he found he couldn't afford anything with so little money that his uncle had given him.

  (  )9、One important contrast in the story “The New Drsee” is that between the private feelings Mabel revealed and the public feelings she displayed.

  (  )10、Scott Fitzgerald is considered as the most representative writer of “The Jazz Age” of the 1920's.

  (  )11、The time of the story “Babylon Revisited” was after the Great Depression.

  (  )12、From the story “A Bit of Singing and Dancing” we know Mr.Curry was a musician.

  (  )13、We learn from “Winter Night” that Felicia's father was at the front.

  (  )14、At the end of “The First Seven Years”, Feld's feelings toward Sobel changed from anger to sorrow.

  (  )15、In “The Egg”, the narrator's parents started to run a restaurant because running a chicken farm proved to be a total failure.

  (  )16、The Westcotts in “The Enormous Radio” were a couple worthy of admiring.

  (  )17、We learn from “The Lion's Skin” that Mrs. Forestier loved Mr. Forestier at first sight because of his handsomeness.

  (  )18、We learn from “The Artificial Nigger” that the main reason for Mr. Head to take Nelson to the city was to teach him a lesson.

  (  )19、Mr. Andrews and the Turk did not want to stay in Heaven because they did not find their former friends and those they loved.

  (  )20、Sonny's elder brother loved Sonny but did not understand him.


  Choose the word or group of words which is closest in meaning to the underlined part of each sentence.

  (  )1、Our going to the out-of-the-way place to embark in the restaurant business was mother's idea.


  (  )2、In the long nights when there was little to do, father had time to think. That was his undoing.

  C、cause of ruin

  (  )3、There was nothing at all for me to do, and I walked out of this enthusiastic bustle into the lane, feeling extremely useless. But the almost inertia of their minds in the midst of this muscular life communicated itself to me little by little.


  4、Charlie asked for the head barman, Paul, who in the latter days of the bull market had come to work in his own custom-built car, disembarking with due nicety at the nearest corner.

  A、fashionable car
  B、car built according to the customer's requirements
  C、car built according to the customs

  (  )5、The client said angrily, “Do you mean to tell me you are a white man and you'll stand for the insult? You better go back North where you came from.”

  C、speak for

  (  )6、Every afternoon we met in the hospital and were all very polite and interested in what was the matter.

  A、what was going on outside
  B、the wounds of each other's
  C、the news from the front

  (  )7、One Sunday afternoon, when Jim was listening to a Schubert quartet, the music faded away altogether, Jim struck the cabinet repeatedly, but the Schubert was lost to them forever. He promised to buy Irene a new radio.

  A、he couldn't find the Schubert quartet
  B、he couldn't hear the Schubert quartet
  C、the radio was completely out of order

  (  )8、Certain of Lady Carlotta's acquaintances were wont to give her plentiful admonition as to the undesirability of interfering on behalf of a distressed animal, such interference being “none of her business

  C、were accustomed

  (  )9、“That's Quin's song,” said my father. I didn't say anything, but Uncle Quin overheard some disapproval in my silence.

  A、heard by chance
  C、heard instantly

  (  )10、When her mother's will was read, Esme realized that her mother had been very careful, very prudent, so she would not be in want.



  Explain the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.

  1、A few weeks after it is born out of an egg, it becomes hideously naked, eats quantities of corn and meal bought by the sweat of your father's brow.

  2、When I saw the fishing-boat picture in the pawn shop, I, for half a minute, was unable to make out how it had got there.

  3、Each shop is licensed to sell ale and porter for consumption on or off the premises.

  4、The storm lightened gradually, but the flooding rain continued. At supper there was talk about the loss of animals and their replacement.

  5、Charlie hasn't had more than a drink a day for over a year and he takes that drink deliberately, so that the idea of alcohol won't got too big in his imagination.


  Answer the following questions.

  1、What do you think are the reasons for the seperation of Harry and Kathy in “The Fishing-Boat Picture”?

  2、Did Mr. Calloway love his dog?Why?

  3、What did the narrator in “Holiday” learn from Muller family and Ottilie?

  4、Why did Sonny take drugs? Why did one of Sonny's friends say, “He'll never kick the habit”, and Sonny himself say, “It can come again”?

  5、Feld wanted a “better life” for his daughter Miriam. How did he expect that Max, the college boy, would help her to it?

  6 What kind of a woman was Lorraine Quarrles in “Babylon Revisited”?


  I、1、C 2、B 3、D 4、A 5、C 6、A 7、C 8、C 9、D 10、B 11、B 12、A 13、C 14、B

  15、B 16、A 17、D  18、A 19、D 20、C

  II、1、T 2、T 3、F 4、T 5、F 6、F 7、F 8、F 9、T 10、T 11、F 12、F 13、T 14、F

  15、T 16、F 17、T  18、T 19、F 20、T

  III、1、A 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、B 6、B 7、C 8、C  9、B 10、A

  IV、1、by your father's hard work


    3、for drinking in the stores or away from the stores

    4、and buying some animals to replace those dead ones

    5、so that alcohol would not be too tempting(attractive) to me

  V、1、There are three main reasons for their seperation.

  (1)different characters:Harry was introversive,quiet and mild while Kathy was extroversive, passionate and hot-tempered.

  (2)different interests:Harry liked reading very much while Kathy didn't like reading at all.

  (3)They lacked love for each other, lacked mutual understanding.

  2、Mr. Calloway loved but at the same time hated his dog. He loved it because it reminded him of his happy life in England, and it was now his only companion. He hated it because the dog reminded him of what he had lost. The dog's being not a pure setter always made him think of his own present situation——a seemingly gentleman but actually a wanted criminal.

  3、In Muller family, the narrator had seen healthy, productive and optimistic people react to some of the key events of one's life:birth, marriage, sickness, natural disaster and death. She realized that life was not always full of honey, and one must accept life as it was in the real world and not at it might be in one's idealized world. Nothing was to be gained only by“feeling sorry”; one must work heroically to heal the hurts that could be healed.

  4、Because he was dissatisfied with his life and wanted to forget his present life by taking drugs.

  Because they knew quite well there was almost no hope to change the life of the black people in U.S.

  5、He thought that a college education could lead one to a higher social position and more income, so he hoped that Miriam might be encouraged by Max to go to college herself. If she still didn't want to, then let her marry Max and live a better life as the wife of a respectable professional man.

  6、Lorraine Quarrles was Charlie's former girl friend. In the past, she was attractive to Charlie, lovely and pale blond. But she was careless and irresponsible. Charlie had helped her to lead a dissipated life nd she was still leading a dissipated life when Charlie had turned a new leaf.


本文标签:上海自考 公共课 《英语泛读(三)》练习题及答案










