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  Part One

  Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer。

  1.I can't stand _______ mixed up in the theft.
  A. him to get B. his getting C. that he got D. for him to get

  2.The lawyer for the defense made the recommendation to the judge that the trial ________ delayed until the missing witness was found.
  A. would be B. must be C. had to be D. should be

  3.A colleague of mine returned to his office after the summer vacation,only to find it   _________.
  A. be broken into  B. had been broken into  C. was broken into  D. had broken into

  4.__________, we'll begin to plant the garden.
  A. Weather permits B. Weather having been permitted 
  C. Weather permitting D. Weather permitted

  5. "Have you tried _________ your new bicycle before it is used in busy streets?" I asked the salesman.
  A. riding B. to ride C. having ridden D. to have ridden

  6.Such ________ the case, there were no guards to justify your complaints.
  A. was B. being C. would be D. had been

  7. My neighbour, though seventy years old, is in that he is able to run two miles a day.
  A.such a good health B. so good a health C. such good a health D.such good health

  8.All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants ________ wild.
  A. once they grew B. that once grew C. they grew once D. once grew

  9. Returning to the hotel,______________.
  A. I found my camera missed B. my camera was missing
  C. I found my camera missing D. my camera was missed

  10. Mickael exceeds __________ football but is not so good ___________ basketball。
  A. in; at B. for;at C. over;in D. in;for

  11.Was it ________ the critic regarded with such scorn?
  A.them who B.he who C.they whom D.those

  12. No matter how frequently _________,the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences。
  A. performing B. performed C.to be performed D. being performed

  13._____ today, he would get there on Friday。
  A. If he leaves B. Was he leaving C. If he is leaving D. Were he to leave 

  14. That millionaire has three cars, a yacht and two town houses, to say ________ of his villa in France.
  A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

  15._____ his predecessors , he was more concerned with his own future than his duty。
  A. Unlike the most of B. Most unlike of  C. The most unlike of D. Unlike most of


  16.The molecular and structural arrangements of the components in a composite material can vary greatly。
  A. disintegrate B.interact C.expand D.differ

  17. The two mining cpmpanies will be merged next month。
  A. close down B. become lost C. be coinbined D. be reorganized

  18.They were told to wait inside until the storm subsided.
  A. descended B.djssolved C. diminished D. dispersed

  19.They are busy editing a Shakespeare play for use in schools.
  A. compiling B. revising C. improving D.acting

  20.When humming birds fly, their wing beats are so rapid that the wings seem blurred.
  A. tiny B. fragile C.inexhaustible D. indistinct

  21. In the past two years, much of the legislation passed by the govemment has been designed to benefit the unemployeD.
  A.unfortunate B. uneducated C. homeless D.jobless

  22.Mount St. Helens erupted in March 1980 after one hundred twenty-three years of silence。
  A.split B. disintegrated C.exploded D.roared

  23. I found, somewhat to my surprise,that he enjoyed himself。
  A. in some cased B. to some degree C. at some times D. for some reason

  24.In trade agreement,nations generally make reciprocal concessions when setting tariffs。
  A. functional B.gradual C. financial D. mutual

  25.It has been suggested that people who watch television incessantly may become overly passive.
  A. seriously B. constantly C.skeptically D.arbitrarily

  Fill in each blank in the passage with the most appropriate answer.

  A new computer system has been designed to stop ships sinking. The greatest danger to a holed vessel is that flooding of its compartments will make the 26 unstable enough to capsize。 It is estimated that nearly half the ships 27 during the second world war capsized because of loss of 28 .
Pacet Systems of Burlington, Massachusetts, has now refined a system devised by a reserve US Navy officer, Stephen Drabouski, which effectively second guesses the ship. The 29 is programmed with every possible eventuality of flood damage. Once the actural damage is keyed into the computer , the operator is told by the computer 30 the implications are and what can be done to restabilise the vessel。
  Trials on the American aircraft carrier US Midway have 31 that the reaction time to damage can be cut to a fiftieth. An incident was simulated in which the ship was 32 by two Exocet missiles causing flooding to 30 compartments. It took 10 minutes from receipt of the flood damage information in the damage control centre to a full printout of damage effects, 33 counterrneasures and an assessment of the result of the counterrneasures。
  In a re-run of the incident without the computer program the damage control officer took four and a quarter hours to establish the 34 of the damage and another four hours 35 a decision could be taken on countermeasures.
  Although the system can be used to provide 36 control officers with advice they do not,dcourse, have to accept the informatiOn。Quite often the 37 solution" will be unacceptable for operational reasons。 When that happens the system can be 38 for alternatives or the operator 39 interrogate the computer to find out what would happen if the officer's 40 solution was put into action。

  26. A.ship B.computer C.system D.stability
  27. A.damage B.sunk C.lost D.worn out
  28. A.capability B.wound C.vibration D.stablity
  29. A. project B. computer C.outline D.newwork
  30. A. what B.how C.if D.that
  31. A.monitored B.reckoned C. shown D. formulated
  32. A. shocked B. hit C. caught D. bombed
  33. A. responded B. matched C.introduced D. suggested
  34. A. proofs B. effects C. solution D.uncertainty
  35. A. after B.before C.provided D. now that
  36. A. remote B. safety C.damage D. vessel
  37. A. minimum B. maximum C. optimum D. option
  38. A.asked B.replied C.overlooked D.provided
  39. A.ought to B.should C.dare to D. can
  40. A.personal B.own C. private D.unwilling

  Choose the closest paraphrased version of each of the sentences.

  41. The hands spoke of the stubbornness of mankind,or the will to work not only as one's strength permits but beyond the limits of one's power.
  A. This pair of hands indicated the strong will of mankind,or the will to work not only when one's strength permits but also when one's power falls short of one's wishes。
  B. This pair of hands revealed the determination of mankind, or their wiIl to work not only when their strength permits but also when they don't have any power。
  C.These hands indicated the willpower of mankind, or the will to work not only when one's strength permits blit also when one is dying。
  D.These hands suggested man's strong will power, which enables him to do what he can but also what he physically can't.

  42.…it dawned upon him that miracles were possible even with matches。
  A.…by daybreak he realized that he could get some matches by creating miracles。
  B.…it became clear to him that he could get some matches by using has will power.
  C. …it became clear to him that he could get very good scores in matches.
  D.… he realiZed that it was possible for him to create miracles by using matches。

  43.But we'll leave Winch for a little and discuss the larger question。
  A. But we'll leave Winch behind for a moment and go quickly to a secret place to discuss the more important question.
  B.But we'd better put aside the incident of Winch for a while and discuss the more important question.
  C.But we'd better regard Winch as a bad person and ignore him , and discuss the more important question.
  D. But we'll ignore Winch for a moment and go on to discuss the more important question between us two。

  44.A man in a newish suburb feels that he has one foot in the city and one in the country。
  A. A man in a new suburb feels as if he was standing at the boundary between the city and the countryside。
  B.A person living in a newly developed suburb feels as if he was standing at the boundary between the city and the countryside。
  C.A man standing in a new suburb feels he can go to the countryside easily。
  D. A person living in a newly developed suburb feels that he can enjoy both the life in the city and that in the countryside。

  45.Silence falls over the room as the titanic proportions of the destruction begin to sink in。
  A. The classroom becomes silent as the students begin to understand the disastrous destruction the atomic bomb causes。
  B. The room becomes silent as a result of the terrible destruction.
  C.The room becomes silent as the danger of the terrible destruction disappears。
  D.The classroom becomes silent as the students come to know the danger of destruction will come very soon.

  46.We view frindship more tentatively, subject to changes in intensity as people move, change their jobs,marry, or discover new interests。
  A. We think friendship is more changeable,and the level of friendship is likely to be affected as people move,change their jobs , marry , or discover new interests。
  B. We consider friendship to be more temporary, because the value of friendship may change as people move,change their jobs, marry,or discover new interests.
  C. In our eyes, friendship is not lasting, for people's views may change as they move,changes their jobs, marry , or discover new interests.
  D. None of the above.

  47.…that it might have been described as slavery if it hadn't been for its aim and end.
  A. … that my work then might have been called the work done by a slave if the aim of the work hadn't been to earn some money to help my parents support the family。
  B. … that the work system might have been called slavery if its aim had not been considered.
  C. … that the work system might have been called slavery if the aim of my work then hadn't been considered.
  D. …that my work then might have been called slavery if the aim of the work hadn't been to earn some money to help my parents support the family。

  48.…they tend to be endlessly recycled in the food chains on which birds and animals and man himself are completely dependent。
  A. …thev are likely to exist endlessly in the food on which birds and animals and man himself live.
  B. … they are likely to be used again and again in the food chains on which birds and animals and man himself completely rely.
  C.… they are likely to exist endlessly in the food chains on which birds and animals and man himself completely depend.
  D. Either A or C.

  49. "We must prepare to purify ourselves … to rise above this 'mine' thinking and be as God's own son, who said,'love thy neighbor.'"
  A."We must prepare to make ourselves pure… to adopt the noble way of thinking and become one of God's sons,who might say, 'love your neighbor.'"
  B. "We must prepare to sacrifice ourselves for others … to rise to the noble was of thinking and act as Jesus does, who said,'love your neighbor.'"
  C."We must prepare to make ourselves pure … to go beyond this" selfish "thinking and become one of God's sons, who said, 'love your neighbor.'"
  D. "We must prepare to make ourselves pure by acting in a noble way to go beyond this 'selfcentered way of' thinking and act as God's own son does, who ever said,'love thy (your) neighbor.'"

  50. If we spend a few million greasing the palms of some of the buyers, who's hurt?
  A. If we spend a few million bribing some of the buyers, no one is angry.
  B. It is worthwhile to bribe some of our buyers with a few millions so as to secure contracts worth £1000 million。
  C. If we spend a few million pleasing some of the buyers, we won't be hurt at all。
  D. If we spend a few million pleasing some of the buyers,no one dares to prevent us from doing so.

  Read the two passages and answer the questions (10 points)

  Passage one
  Any social structures, particularly that Victorian England,is so much a matter of sentiment and prejudice that the descriptions given by contemporary novelists may be as worth studying from one point of view as statistics are from another。 Novels begin by reflecting the structure, and end by confirming or modifying it. Our own ideas of dissolving and reforming society are affected by novels and films, which help to set or change the tone as well as capture it。 Victorian novelists worked within a more established social framework; they had less scope for evaluating social importance differently and their accounts, however slanted, tally more closely with each other than those of modern novelists are likely to do a centure frorn now. Some of the Victorian novelists were more at home with certain segments of society than with others,and their personal reactions to the system differed; but the social world in which their creatures moved is real, solid and essential one。 The classic age of English society - as it seems in retrospect - was also the classic age of English fiction。 Expert for a few uncharted areas, the novelists knew where they stood (whether or not they liked it) and so did their readers.
  The half century from roughly 1830 to 1880 excludes the later Victorian novelists with their more private, or at least more highly contrasting pictures of society. It also allows unity of thenie。 During these decades the aristocracy and landed gentry,although less powerful than they had been , were still predominant in govemment and the countryside。 Their social prestige, which had substantially survived the changes of the thirties and forties,was to weaken under agricultural depression, electoral and military reform , the opening of the Civil Service to competitive examination, and the growing power of finance on the one hand and Organized labour on the other。 But this decline did not really set in until the closing years of the century。

  51. Victorian novels are a useful guide to Victorian social structure because they ______.
  A. are sentimental B. contajn statistics C. reflect prejudices D. are prejudicial

  52.Modern novelists give a less exact picture of their society than Victorian noveljsts do because __________.
  A. they wish to re-form society B. their society is less stable
  C. they are affected by films D. they change their tone too often

  53. An essential characteristic of the classic age of fiction was that ______.
  A. there was only one realistic character in each novel
  B. the novelist and the reader reacted differently to the system
  C. the nove list was conte nt with his position in society
  D. the novelists depicted the whole of society

  54. During the years 1830-1880, the upper classes
  A. declined in power in the countryside  B. no longer controlled society
  C. were still powerful   D. lost their social prestige

  55.It was the latter half of the nineteenth century that the Civil Service __________.
  A. began its administrative work  B. was closely examined
  C. was open only to people with money D. offered more opportunities for jobs

  Passage Two
  We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils。 It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade!
  Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality。 We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full,not just their academic ability。 We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixedability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning。
In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups; this gives them the opportunity to learn to cooperate, to share, and to develop leadership skilis. They also learn how to cope with personoal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyse and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as wellas from the teacher.
  Sometimes the pupils work in pairs,sometimes they work on inspanidual tasks and assignments , and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate。 We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work; it does not matter what age the child is。 We expect our pupils to do their best,not their least,and we give them every encouragement to attain this goal.

  56.In the passage the author's attitude towards "mixed-ability teaching" is _______.
  A. critical B. questioning  C.proving D.objective

  57.By "held back" (line 1) the author means ______.
  A. made to remain in the same classes
  B. forced to study in the lower classes
  C.drawn to their studies
  D.prevented from advancing

  58.The author araues that a teacher's chief concern should be the development of the student's __________.
  A. personal qualities and social skills
  B. total personality
  C. learning ability and communicative skills
  D. intellectual ability

  59.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the third paragraph?
  A. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others.
  B. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning ability。
  C. Group work provides pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers.
  D. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities.

  60.The author's purpose of writing this passage is to _________________.
  A. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pudils in the same class
  B. recommend pair work and group work for classroom activities
  C. offer advice on the proper use of library
  D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching

  Part Two
  Complete each of the following sentences with a word derived from the one given in hrackets。

  61. Has there ever been a woman ______ in the United States?(govern)

  62.Water is _______ as it passes through this machines.(pure)

  63.He knew better,but he was tired,and he made a ______mistake. (care)

  64.What is the ________ of the trip from the United States to Australia? (long)
  65.He is a _______ teacher,who is loved by all the students。 (respect )

  66.The _____ of unity and stability plays an important role in socialist construction. (maintain)

  67.My head is _________,could you find me some tablets? (split)

  68.Seeing the scene,I couldn't help showing __________ for the homeless boy.(sympathize)

  69.The mice were frightened by the ________ cat. (monster)

  70.He is suspected of being involved in the _____ at the bank。(burglar)

  Ⅵ. 句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语。
  Translate the following sentences into English。


  Ⅶ. 短文写作。根据所学的一篇课文,写出150字的短文。
  Write a short composition in about 150 words based on one of the texts you have learneD.
  Topic:The most important thing I think I shoud learn at college。


  1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.C
  18.C 19.A 20.D 21.D 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.B

  26.A 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.C 32.B 33.D 34.B 35.B 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.D 40.B

  41.D 42.B 43.B 44.D 45.A 46.A 47.A 48.C 49.D 50.B

  Ⅵ. 阅读理解
  Passage 1:51.C 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.D
  Passage 2:56.C 57.D 58.B 59.D 60.A

  61.governor 62. purified 63. careless  64. length 65. respectable 66. maintenance
  67.splitting 68.sympathy 69. monstrous 70.burglary

  Ⅵ. 句子翻译
  71.Living in Europe for a year , he gained some exposure to western culture。
  72.The new government of the country has to bear the burden of rebuilding the economy。
  73.The new tax law seems to be in favour of the lowincome families.
  74.She tried in vain to shut all those unpleasant memories out Of her mind.
  75.As far as I can see, he is a man you can trust and turn to when you are in difficulty。

  Ⅶ. 短文写作(答案)
  I think the most important thing I should learn at college is the ability to work on my own, in Sagan's words the ability to teach yourself a subject. This is a key skill a college student should acquire. The world is changing very rapidly, and so we must keep learning throughout our lives. We can't stay in school for very long,and we can't have teachers to guide us all the time. So we must, while still in college, learn how to find and solve our problem by ourselves,how to use libraries and laboratories and what questions to ask when we meet an expert. Armed with this key skill,we'll be able to teach ourselves any subject that interests us or is of some use to us after we graduate。

本文标签:上海自考 公共课 《综合英语》(二)练习题及答案










